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Do you want to become a volunteer at WelnU?
That’s amazing because we can surely use your help! With your help we can provide all of our students with the Dutch lessons they need to live properly in the Netherlands. You will help people developing skills they can use to make small talk with their neighbour or making them able to read and understand their first letter from the Dutch government. These are skills necessary for each social interaction, which we think are the rights of everybody living in the Netherlands. As a volunteer of WelnU you approximately teach one time per week for two hours Dutch to our students. It is dependent on the city you live in on which moment and location the lessons will be. To guarantee stability for the students we ask you to be at least present three times a month for the lessons. Being a volunteer of WelnU does not only entail teaching. We also organize a lot of other activities, such as workshops to improve your teaching skills, workshops of organizations such as Vluchtelingenwerk, or a mini workshop of the Arabic language. Next to these educational activities we regularly have drinks together, go to parties with some of the volunteers and students or eat together before or after the lesson.

Does this sound good to you?
Then send an email to one of the email addresses below (of the city where you want to become a volunteer). We will reply to you fastly, send you a document containing all relevant information and then your first lesson as a volunteer can start. See you soon!


Does this list not include your city?
We are also always looking for people interested in expanding our language lessons to other cities. Through our experience we have a lot of knowledge on how to start with the language lessons. For example, we can help you with finding volunteers, promoting the lessons with potential students and finding a suitable location. Also we have all the necessary material, such as promotional flyers for potential students and volunteers and all the lesson material ready! All this material, knowledge and experience we would, of course for free, share with you. Would you like to start something like this or would you like more information? Please send an email to, then we will get into contact with you!